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Hamari Ladli – Women Redressal Association

Hamari Ladli – Women Redressal Association

Under the NGO, we have a program specifically for the women of the country.
WRA is an initiative which promotes that, a woman should be educated enough to know
about her own self. Not specifically a married woman or a woman who is suffering from a
bad phase. Sometimes a woman is not even aware that she is going though domestic violence.
Every female, should be educated enough to prevent herself from the wrong happening with
her. Prevention is better than cure is what we promote. Basic knowledge about your rights
and safeguard is the most important thing not only for a woman but for everyone.
WRA is for everyone who wants to be in a better world, and for that we say that we are here
for you right from counselling you to understand yourself better till redressal until and unless
you are powerful enough to do so!
“WRA is available right from counselling till the redressal”

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