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Dr Hiten Mehta, the founder of “BM Legal Firm” (formerly known as Lawmatics), is well known for helping people get rid of their financial crises and helping them to restart their lives for themselves and their families. Recently he was awarded by the Royal American Society as a Doctorate in Financial Crisis Counselling & also awarded by the Indian Achiever’s Award, 2021 for Financial Crises Counselling & Mid-Day Icon Award, 2021. Every Wednesday you can also read his article in Mumbai’s largest selling Newspaper Mid-Day in English & Gujarati Edition. Being adept at NPA services and Debt recovery Laws, he has been a helping hand to various people needing legal guidance relating to NPA management, financial management, and criminal matters. He is also well versed in the complexities of Civil Litigation. Over the past couple of years, he has moulded the lives of people by helping them from start to end by always guiding them to take the right steps and giving proper legal guidance.

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Also not to boast about, but with the help of Dr Hiten Mehta counselling sessions he’s been able to save many small business owners from attempting suicide and helped them to get back on track.—

When asked about why financial literacy and business literacy is so essential and important nowadays, he replies

Ever wondered why do most businesses fail in today’s world? No, it’s not because of sales & marketing. It’s due to the lack of Financial & Business Literacy.

Fun Fact, more than 73% of Indians do not have financial literacy.

Financial literacy is key for building a sustainable business in the 21st century.

Most of the small business owners, Suppliers, shop owners like below Required our guidance.

  1. People who are running a good business and want to up-scale it to new heights without getting into any financial crisis.
  2. People who have recently suffered a blow in their business but are yet to acknowledge the fact because of no self-realisation and a big ego. A small spark today can become fire tomorrow, so it’s necessary to nip this in the bud.
  3. People who have been suffering financially for a long time and desperately want to get out, but don’t know how to.

1 Comment

  • Mihir Kumar Ray
    Posted April 5, 2023 4:00 pm 0Likes

    Respected sir
    i am also suffering from low civil score, now my civil is 620 so i am unable to get a loan from any finance sector , i want to improve my civil for loan

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