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What do we mean by Aam Karobari?

Aam Karobari which in literal sense means a common businessman is anyone who has a
running business in the country. Such individuals who earn in their individual capacity is a
businessman – MSME’s. It includes start-ups, agents, brokers, a vegetable vendor,
entrepreneur, etc. Today almost 50% of the country’s GDP consists of such MSME’s. This
sector also contributes the most in terms of Employment generation.
Despite of having such a huge contribution to the country’s GDP, the Government has failed
to work of the betterment for the Aam Karobari.
Our aim under this NGO is to provide the maximum aid to these Aam Karobari’s and
motivate and promote more individuals to adapt to these businesses.
To help them increase their business and decrease their crises and problems faced by them.